Debbie Whitehead’s Pork Roast with Plum Sauce

Pork Roast with Plum Sauce

Debbie Whitehead’s Pork Roast with Plum Sauce

My sweet friend Debbie Whitehead is not only one the finest Christians and friend I've ever had but she's also one of the best cooks around! She has been making this recipe for years and I love to pull it out on special occasions, too. It's not hard at all but it just looks and sounds so impressive and fancy. And I always think of Debbie and the great memories we've made together every time I make it.


Pork Roast

Plum Sauce


  1. Step 1

    Preheat oven to 325 degrees. 

    In a small bowl mix garlic, sage and pepper together and rub all over the roast. Bake at 325 degrees for 2 hours uncovered.

  2. Step 2

    In a sauce pan mix all the ingredients together for the sauce and bring to a boil. Reduce and simmer 2 minutes.

    Let roast rest, then cut and drizzle the sauce over sliced roast. I also like to put in on mashed potatoes, too.


Notes from Debbie: I put this roast on at about 9:15am before church and bake between 275 and 300. We usually get home about 1pm and it's awesome. If you have time, I suggest this temperature. I fixed this Sunday and it would melt in your mouth.

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