Christmas Crunch
Salty and sweet and oh so festive! This one is so easy, delicious, and easy on the pocket book, too! It's the perfect snack to share on a cozy Christmas movie watching night!

Step 1
Add popped popcorn to a large mixing bowl making sure to remove any unpopped kernels.
Add in the pretzel and M & M's
Step 2
Melt the chocolate along with the shortening in the microwave in increments of 30 seconds, stirring in between, until it is smooth and melted.
Drizzle half the chocolate over the popcorn and stir gently to coat it.
Use almost all of the remaining chocolate to drizzle over and mix into the popcorn, saving just a little to top the bowl with. Don't over mix or the chocolate will begin to set up too soon.
Step 3
Pour mixture into a single layer onto wax paper. Sprinkle entire mixture evenly with sprinkles (as many as you'd like) before vanilla chips set. Allow to cool and harden, then gently break into pieces and store in an airtight container.I like to top the finished bowl with just a little of the leftover chocolate and add just a little more of the toppings for color.
I really loved this version of Christmas Crunch, it's a little easier than the one I've made in the past. And you can customize it to your liking with any add ins you want like nuts, broken candy canes, whole chocolate chips etc. It's the perfect treat to share because you can make it in large quantities so easily. I found this recipe on Cooking Classy and just made a few little changes to use the ingredients I had on hand.