Meet Mel

Hey friends, I'm Mel and I am so glad that you dropped by today.

As soon as I open my mouth you’ll realize that I am at least a 5th generation East Tennessean. I am a proud Appalachian and descendent of relatives who settled, farmed and raised their families in Cades Cove, which is now part of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I still live in the foothills of these mountains and I love everything about this beautiful place I call home, the history, culture, food, and mostly the people that make this area so special, you’ll probably hear a lot of that in my content. I love spending time with my family playing games, traveling and exploring together, reading and watching movies. I also love staying involved in my community and I’m an avid country music lover especially the old ones like Merle and Waylon.

In addition to here, you can find me every week on YouTube sharing quick and easy family dinners and other simple recipes. Cooking for others has become my love language, I love the traditions and memories that many of us have associated with family recipes.

As a wife of 30 years to my high school sweetheart, Patrick and mom of two precious daughters, I know first hand how challenging it is to get dinner on the table every night. And I quickly realized that if we didn’t have those few minutes together at dinner we might not get much time to connect at all that day. So I was always looking for quick and easy dinner ideas and cooking shortcuts, I also began building a working pantry so I could easily prepare a meal for us to share most nights of the week. This became a real priority and passion for me in my own home. And I believe that the Lord gives each one of us gifts, talents, and passions so that we can use them to encourage others and glorify Him. So as I was entering a new stage in my life, I felt a pricking at my heart to share some of what I have learned with others. And I’m a visual learner so I felt YouTube was the perfect vehicle for me and wow! I’ve been blessed with an amazing community there full of precious viewers who encourage and support me more than I could ever repay to them!

I’m not perfect or special by any means, but I do strive to leave my corner of the world a little better for me having been there. My goal is to create a platform that is genuine, practical, and relatable. I hope you enjoy your time here, and are inspired to make your kitchen a welcoming place that you love and that you always leave encouraged, smiling, and feeling like we’ve just had a visit across my kitchen table.

Love from my kitchen,
